Dr. Chandramani Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Research Group: Network Science Lab
Research Interests
- Communication Networks
- Stochastic Systems
- Federated Learning
- Optimization
- Game Theory
Journal Publications
- Kurian Polachan, Joydeep Pal, Chandramani Singh and Prabhakar T V, “Assessing Quality of Control in Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- Kurian Polachan, Chandramani Singh and Prabhakar T V “Decentralized Dynamic Scheduling of TCPS flows and a Simulator for Time-Sensitive Networking”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, February 2022
- Ashok Krishnan K S, Chandramani Singh, Siva Theja Maguluri and Parimal Parag, “Optimal Pricing in Multi Server Systems”, Performance Evaluation, Vol. 154, April 2022
- Kurian Polachan, Joydeep Pal, Chandramani Singh, T Venkata Prabhakar and Fernando A. Kuipers, “TCPSbed: A Modular Testbed for Tactile Internet based Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022
- G. K. Anil Vishnu, T. Sakorikar, A. Baby, C. Singh, A. Rangarajan and H. J. Pandya, “Bimodal Characterization of Breast Biopsy Tissues using MEMS-based Biochips: Towards Improved Tumor Delineation”, Vol. 21 (21), Pages 24801 – 24811, IEEE Sensors, November 2021
- R. Burra, C. Singh and J. Kuri, “Service Scheduling for Random Requests With Deadlines and Linear Waiting Costs”, in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Vol. 8 (3), Pages 2355-2371, July-Sept. 2021
- Daniel van den Berg, Rebecca Glans, Dorian de Koning, Fernando Kuipers, Jochem Lugtenburg, Kurian Polachan, Prabhakar T.V, Chandramani Singh, Belma Turkovic and Bryan van Wijk, “Challenges in Haptic Communications over the Tactile Internet”, IEEE Access, Vol. 5, Pages 23502-23518, October, 2017
- Ye Liu, Chung Shue Chen, Chi Wan Sung and Chandramani Singh, “A Game Theoretic Distributed Algorithm for FeICIC Optimization in LTE-A HetNets”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 25 (6), Pages 3500-3513, September, 2017
- Chandramani Singh, Santosh Ramachandran, S.V.R.Anand, Malati Hegde, Anurag Kumar and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Neighbor oblivious and finite-state algorithms for circumventing local minima in geographic forwarding”, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 50 (C), Pages 1-12, November, 2016
- Chandramani Singh, Anurag Kumar and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Combined Base Station Association and Power Control in Multi-channel Cellular Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24 (2), Pages 1065-1080, April, 2016
- Chandramani Singh, Eitan Altman, Anurag Kumar and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Optimal Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks with Multiple Destinations”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 21 (6), Pages 1812-1826, December, 2013
- Eitan Altman, Anurag Kumar, Chandramani Singh and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Spatial SINR Games of Base Station Placement and Mobile Association”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 20 (6), Pages 1856-1869, December, 2012
- Chandramani Singh, Saswati Sarkar, Alireza Aram and Anurag Kumar, “Cooperative Profit Sharing in Coalition Based Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 20 (1), Pages 69-83, February, 2012
- Chandramani Singh, Saswati Sarkar and Alireza Aram, “Provider-Customer Coalitional Games”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19 (5), Pages 1528-1542, October, 2011
- Chandramani K. Singh, Anurag Kumar and P.M. Amir, “Performance Evaluation of an IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Network with a Star Topology”, Wireless Networks, Vol. 14 (4), Pages 543-568, August, 2008
Conference Publications
- Sahil Bhandary, Prahadheeshwaran M, Haresh Dagale and Chandramani Singh, “Addressing ICS Security Challenges using Simplex Architecture”, IEEE ANTS, December 2021, Hyderabad, India
- Anu Krishna, Ramya Burra and Chandramani Singh, “Caching Dynamic Contents with Varying Popularity”, CCDWN, October 2021, Philadelphia, United States
- Haritha K, Vineeth Bala Sukumaran and Chandramani Singh, “Slotted Aloha for FMCW Radar Networks”, NCC, July 2021, Kanpur, India
- Girish Vaidya, Chandramani Singh and T. V. Prabhakar, “Order Statistics based Collision Analysis for PUFs”, NCC, July 2021, Kanpur, India
- Kurian Polachan, Chandramani Singh and T V Prabhakar, “Decentralized Dynamic Gate Scheduling of IEEE 802.1Qbv Time Aware Shaper and a TSN Simulator for Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems”, IFIP/IEEE IM 2021, May 2021, Bordeaux, France
- Ashok Krishnan K S, Chandramani Singh, Siva Theja Maguluri and Parimal Parag, “Optimal Pricing in Finite Server Systems”, WiOpt, June 2020, Volos, Greece
- Kurian Polachan, Belma Turkovic, Chandramani Singh, Prabhakar T V and Fernando Kuipers, “Dynamic Network Slicing for the Tactile Internet”, IEEE/ACM ICCPS, April 2020, Sydney, Australia
- K. Haritha and Chandramani Singh, “Scheduling Policies for Minimizing Job Migration and Server Running Costs for Cloud Computing Platforms”, 57th Annual Allerton Conference, September 2019, UIUC, IL, USA
- Ramya Burra, Chandramani Singh and Joy Kuri, “Offline and Online Scheduling of Jobs with Service and Delay Costs”, 57th Annual Allerton Conference, September 2019, UIUC, IL, USA
- Kurian Polachan, Prabhakar T V, Chandramani Singh and Deepak Panchapakesan, “Quality of Control Assessment for Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE SECON, June 2019, Boston, USA
- Ramya Burra, Chandramani Singh and Joy Kuri, “Service Scheduling for Bernoulli Requests and Quadratic Cost”, IEEE INFOCOM, April-May, 2019, Paris, France
- Kurian Polachan, Prabhakar T V, Chandramani Singh and Fernando Kuipers,“Towards an Open Testbed for Tactile Cyber Physical Systems”, COMSNETS, January 2019, Bengaluru, India
- Akshita Bhandari, Chandramani Singh, “Accelerated Randomized Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization and Online Learning”, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, June 2018, Kalamata, Greece
- Vineeth Bala Sukumaran and Chandramani Singh, “Stability Properties of Delay Tolerant Networks With Buffered Relay Nodes”, CCDWN, May 2018, Shanghai, China
- Haritha K and Chandramani Singh, “Lightweight Max Weight Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless Networks”, RAWNET, May 2018, Shanghai, China
- Ramya Burra, Chandramani Singh, Joy Kuri and Eitan Altman, “Routing on a Ring Network”, 8th EAI International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, April-May 2018, Seoul, South Korea
- Arjun N, Ashwin S M, Kurian Polachan, Prabhakar T V and Chandramani Singh, “An End to End Tactile Cyber Physical System Design”, 4th International Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems, April 2018, Porto, Portugal
- Vineeth Bala Sukumaran and Chandramani Singh, “Optimal Association of Wireless Devices to Cellular and Wi-Fi Base Stations”, NCC 2018, February 2018, Hyderabad, India
- R Divya, Amar Prakash Azad and Chandramani Singh, “Fair and optimal mobile assisted offloading”, WiOpt, May 2017, Paris France
- Sarath Yasodharan., Vineeth Bala Sukumaran and Chandramani Singh, “Stability and Delay Analysis of Delay Tolerant Networks with Random Message Arrivals”, COMSNETS, January 2017, Bengaluru, India
- Chandramani Singh, Angelia Nedich and R. Srikant, “Random Block-Coordinate Gradient Projection Algorithms”, IEEE CDC, December, 2014, Los Angeles, USA
- Chandramani Singh, Angelia Nedich and R. Srikant, “LP-relaxation based distributed algorithms for scheduling in wireless networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, April-May, 2014, Toronto, Canada
- Francois Baccelli, Bartlomiej Baszczyszyn and Chandramani Singh, “Analysis of a proportionally fair and locally adaptive spatial aloha in poisson networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, April-May, 2014, Toronto, Canada
- Chandramani Singh and Chung Shue Chen, “Distributed Downlink Resource Allocation in Cellular Networks through Spatial Adaptive Play”, International Teletraffic Congress, September, 2013, Shanghai, China
- Francois Baccelli and Chandramani Singh, “Adaptive Spatial Aloha, Fairness and Stochastic Geometry”, SpaSWin, May, 2013, Tsukuba Science City, Japan
- Chandramani Singh, Anurag Kumar, Rajesh Sundaresan and Eitan Altman, “Optimal Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks with Multiple Destinations”, WiOpt, May, 2011, Princeton, USA
- Chandramani Singh and Eitan Altman, “The Multicast Coalition and the Non-Cooperative Subscription Problem”, IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2011, Shanghai, China
- Chandramani Singh, Anurag Kumar and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Delay and Energy Optimal Two-Hop Relaying in Delay Tolerant Networks”, WiOpt, May-June, 2010, Avignon, France
- Chandramani Singh, Anurag Kumar and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Uplink Power Control and Base Station Association in Multichannel Cellular Networks”, GameNets, May, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
- Alireza Aram, Chandramani Singh and Saswati Sarkar, “Provider-customer coalitional games”, GameNets, May, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
- Eitan Altman, Anurag Kumar, Chandramani Singh and Rajesh Sundaresan, “Spatial SINR Games Combining Base Station Placement and Mobile Association”, IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Alireza Aram, Chandramani Singh, Saswati Sarkar and Anurag Kumar, “Cooperative profit sharing in coalition based resource allocation in wireless networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, April, 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Alireza Aram, Chandramani Singh, Saswati Sarkar and Anurag Kumar, “A Coalitional Game Framework for Cooperative Secondary Spectrum Access”, Forty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference, September, 2008, UIUC, IL, USA
- Saswati Sarkar, Chandramani Singh and Anurag Kumar, “A Coalition game model for spectrum pooling in wireless data access networks”, Proceedings of the third Information Theory and Applications Workshop, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, January 2008
Current Course
- E1 251-O: Linear and Nonlinear Optimization (Spring 2022)
Past Courses
- E2 244: Introduction to Optimization (Spring 2021)
- E2 243: Mathematics for Electrical Engineers (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
- E2 231: Topics in Statistical Methods (Spring 16, Spring 17, Spring 18, Spring 19)
- E2 230: Network Science and Modeling (Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
- E2 222: Data Center Networking (Spring 2015)
- Ph.D., May 2012
Dept. of Electrical communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
- M.E., June 2005
Dept. of Electrical communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
- B.E., July 2003
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Kumaon University Nainital
- Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, March 2013 – July 2014
Coordinated Science Lab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Research Engineer, Feb. 2013 – Feb. 2014
TREC (a joint research team between INRIA Rocquencourt and ENS de Paris) Paris
- Wireless Communication Engineer, Aug. 2005 – Dec. 2006,
Esqube Communications Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore
Awards and Professional Activities
- Seshagiri Kaikini Medal for the academic year 2012-2013 for the best Ph.D. thesis in the Electrical communication Engineering department at IISc, Bangalore
- Microsoft Research India Rising Star Award for the academic year 2010-2011
- Program Co-Chair, RAWNET/WNC3, 2015
- Member IEEE
Contact Information
Room No 222
Department of ESE
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560012
Phone: 91-80-22932495
Fax: 91-80-22912290
Email: chandra@iisc.ac.in